DEV Community

Discussion on: What are the CLIs you use very often?

vonheikemen profile image

I spend most of my time editing files so.

  • tmux
  • nvim (neovim)

Other often and not so often.

  • pnpm to replace npm.

  • task. A task runner I use for my personal projects.

  • exa as an alias of ls because of pretty colors and their integration with git.

  • nnn as my file manager.

  • lazygit for when I need a GUI for git but I really don't want to use a GUI.

  • lynx a text-based browser for really quick search. To make it more comfortable I have this funny things in my .zshrc

# Transform the arguments into a valid url querystring
  local args="$@"
  jq -nr --arg v "$args" '$v|@uri'; 

# Query duckduckgo
  lynx "$(urlencode "$@")"

alias '?'='duckduckgo'

Since we are sharing dotfiles, here is mine.

deozza profile image
Edenn Touitou

I used to use lazygit as a replacement for Gitkraken, but in the end I missed too much all the features and the simplicity of use of it. Even if it takes 1,5G of RAM...

vonheikemen profile image

I have used GitKraken before, but after a while I realized that I'm not a "git power user" so my needs for the GUI are very basic. When I saw lazygit I said "that's it, that's all I need".

phantas0s profile image
Matthieu Cneude

Nice! I'm also using Neovim and tmux, with Zsh as shell.

I didn't know task, looks pretty cool! It's true that I'm a bit lost in my Makefiles sometimes :D

I always wanted to use a text browser for quick search, your scripts look cool for that too. Thanks!

vonheikemen profile image

Hope you find something useful.

Using tmux + neovim + lynx is definitely something interesting.