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Vivek Singh
Vivek Singh

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MongoDB Interview Questions asked to me with answers.

Question: Can you provide an overview of your experience with MongoDB?

Answer: My experience with MongoDB includes using it as a database for storing and retrieving data in web applications. I have experience setting up and maintaining MongoDB instances, as well as writing queries and indexing documents for optimal performance. I have also used MongoDB in conjunction with various programming languages, such as JavaScript and Python.

Question: Can you explain the concept of indexing in MongoDB and how it can improve query performance?

Answer: Indexing in MongoDB allows us to specify a specific field or fields in a collection’s documents to be used as an index. This index can then be used to efficiently locate documents that match a given query. For example, if we have a collection of users and we frequently query for users by their email address, we can create an index on the email field to improve the performance of these queries. Indexing can also be used to enforce unique constraints on a field, or to specify the sort order of the documents in a collection.

Question: Can you describe the purpose of aggregation in MongoDB and why it was introduced?

Answer: Aggregation in MongoDB refers to the process of processing data records and returning computed results. Aggregation allows us to perform operations on multiple documents, such as filtering, grouping, and transforming the data. The aggregation pipeline is a framework for performing these operations, and it was introduced in MongoDB as a more powerful and flexible way to aggregate data compared to the older group function.

Question: How can we merge two collections in MongoDB?

Answer: In MongoDB, we can use the aggregate method to merge two collections. Specifically, we can use the $lookup operator as the first stage of the pipeline to perform a left outer join on the two collections. This will allow us to merge the documents from the two collections based on a common field, and the resulting documents will contain fields from both collections.

Question: What is CORS and how does it relate to MongoDB?

Answer: CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is a security feature implemented by web browsers that blocks web pages from making requests to a different domain than the one that served the web page. In the context of MongoDB, CORS is relevant when we are building a web application that makes HTTP requests to a MongoDB server running on a different domain. In this case, we need to enable CORS on the MongoDB server so that the browser will allow the HTTP requests to be made. This can be done by setting the --setParameter enableCors=true flag when starting the MongoDB server.

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