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IO Porting Configuration

Hello reader Iam vivek from luxof here giving you knowledge on IO porting, or porting IO (Input/Output), refers to the process of adapting or migrating software or hardware components responsible for handling input and output operations from one platform or system to another. This process is commonly required when transitioning software or hardware between different operating systems, architectures, or programming interfaces.


Creation with CS+ IDE
Code Generation
Project Controller PINs Layout and Definition HR Driver Overview:

HR Driver Hardware Setup and Project Overview
Operation Modes
CS+ IDE Setup.

HR Driver Hardware Setup and Overview :

Micro Controller :
Renesas MCU : RL78 / F12 series - R5F109GCCJFB - 48PINS
Project Description:
This driver is basically I/O Porting in which we have replaced present NXP Controller Device Driver with Renesas controller Device Driver.
Customer has proposed us to use same NXP Application and replaced Device Driver (DD) with Renesas Controller.
Customer has shared us working Heater and Blower Functionality Software with NXP App + NXP DD and our Engineers Job is to achieve the same functionality to be work after replacing the Device Driver (DD).

Equipment Being Used in Porting

The ECU will be connected to the following:
1 - Power Supply
2 - Harness
3 - Heater Mat PADs (Cush and Back)
4 - Blower
5 - Switch assemblies with led indicator
6 - CRO

Device Driver ( DD ) Modules being replaced in HR Driver:

. Timer : In Gentherm project, We have used Total 8 channel, 16bits Timer to achieve different
different functionality as below :

Ch0 - Master of Heater @5Hz
Ch1- Heater Back - Slave
Ch2 - Heater Cushion - Slave
Ch3 - Scheduler
Ch4 - Master of Blower @20Khz
Ch5 - Blower Cushion - Slave
Ch6 - blower back - Slave
Ch7 - LIN

Device Driver ( DD ) Modules being replaced in



Each Timers (T0 to T7) are generating interrupt (ISR0 to ISR7) respectively and used as per point no.3


In Gentherm Project, We have designed PWM with Multi PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Functionality to achieve Heater and Blower (Ventilation) Functionality per point no.3


: We have designed watchdog functionality to be serve at 3V per project requirement.


LIN is nothing but Local Interconnect Network used for Communication between Master and Slave. We have designed very basic functionality of communication between Master and Slave.

Operational Modes

OFF Mode:
In OFF State the ECU will transition from the ON Mode to the OFF Mode

ON Mode

In ON State the ECU will transition from the OFF Mode to the ON Mode

IDLE Mode:

When Ignition Voltage is 5-VDC > IGN_VOLTAGE < 10-VDC and user is not switching (not pressing any switch) Heater or Ventilation mode can be consider as IDLE Mode.
It will default to the IDLE sub- mode when in the OPERATIONAL Mode.
In Idle Mode, ECU is in RUN condition , However all the outputs are disable

Normal Operation Mode

It transits from IDLE Mode to Normal Mode when 10-VDC > IGN_VOLTAGE < 15-VDC

Fault State

When user disconnect the Seat Cushion HMAT / Seat Back HMAT or BLOWER, then within 10-msec of Normal operation mode will transitioning to the FAULT state.
The ECU shall disable HEATER or BLOWER Functionality within 10-msec transitioning to the FAULT state from Normal operation mode.
The ECU shall set HEAT_IND or VENT_IND to INACTIVE within 16-sec of transitioning to the FAULT state.

Fault Protection

The ECU shall be capable of operating after a fault is removed without incurring any physical damage or functional degradation.


IO porting can involve various components, such as device drivers, libraries, or application code that interact with input and output devices. The goal is to ensure that the software or hardware can properly communicate with the new platform's input and output mechanisms.
Here are some key considerations when undertaking IO porting:
Operating system compatibility: Different operating systems have their own APIs and mechanisms for handling IO operations. Porting IO involves understanding the target operating system's IO model and adapting the code to use the appropriate APIs.

Architecture differences: If you are porting hardware-dependent IO code, you need to consider the differences in hardware architectures between the source and target platforms. This may involve modifying or rewriting low-level code that directly interacts with the hardware.

Driver adaptation: If the IO porting involves device drivers, the drivers need to be adapted to the new platform. This may require understanding the device driver model of the target system and making the necessary changes to support it.

Library compatibility: If the IO code relies on external libraries or frameworks, you need to ensure that those libraries are available and compatible on the target platform. In some cases, you may need to find alternative libraries or modify the code to work with the available options.

Testing and validation: After porting the IO code, thorough testing and validation are essential to ensure that the IO operations function correctly on the target platform. This includes testing various input and output scenarios and verifying that the behavior matches the expectations.

IO porting can be a complex and challenging task, requiring a deep understanding of both the source and target platforms. It is important to carefully plan and execute the porting process to ensure a smooth transition and maintain the functionality and reliability of the IO operations.

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