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Vitória Zoche
Vitória Zoche

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“The more expensive a PC, the better it is” and why does this assumption make no sense anymore??

I lived in an era where the more expensive a desktop or notebook computer was, the more efficient and durable it could be, it could be by a dedicated processor or graphics card.

Or simply because it is from an imported brand like Apple, Dell, Sony, but we easily knew how to choose a machine for our daily lives. If you are 23 years old and have some contact with technology, it certainly didn’t take much effort to choose computers, as we have today.

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With the increase in the dollar and the devaluation of the real (Brazilian currency), plus some import costs and rising inflation, it’s no wonder that any little computer is costing +R$ 2,000.

And this is sad to say the least, because we have a society that is increasingly digitally dumb and the scarcity of computer parts seems to facilitate the increase in the price of these parts, making the purchase of these electronics increasingly expensive and inaccessible for those who once had money to buy.
And beware, it’s not just computers, but anything that depends on a chip will be affected, in the United States for example, there’s already a huge cost increase in the auto industry, an 8.4% increase in car production.

Leaving that data aside, and thinking about smaller problems (or not so much), how do you look to buy a computer today? Or notebook?

I had a recent event, in which I experienced immense difficulty in purchasing computer parts, first of all, I would like to contextualize that:

  • I am 25 years old;
  • This is not my 1st computer, nor my last (I hope);
  • It was the 1st one I assembled together with someone;
  • I knew a little but not enough of hardware;
  • I had access to many acquaintances of #bolhadev and virtual friends with knowledge of the assembly area, who were able to clarify my doubts, help me in choosing the parts and choosing the best purchase sites;

And yet, I had to research a lot about the parts and how to guarantee compatibility, how to make sure they would fit in the cabinet I chose, among other questions that I still haven’t answered, even with a lot of support and study: how to buy a UPS ? Many would say that just add up all the components that eat energy on the table, there are even several famous calculators for this type of sum, but still, I feel an inexplicable cold in my stomach and a fear of spending money for nothing.

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# the photo of a very expensive video card in Brazil

It was thinking about the runaway costs increase, the scarcity of parts and pollution by carbon gases, the pressure to buy a computer that was really worth my money.

During a crazy 8s exercise in the classroom, I created a small solution for those who, unlike me, do not have the support of friends or acquaintances on the Internet, do not know how to search for parts or even worse: do not understand anything about what they are doing, but they want to be able to buy a personalized computer, and that meets their personal needs in the long and short term, without having to “go into debt”.

To close this text, if you feel comfortable, what besides having money would facilitate your purchase of parts, or a notebook, or computer? If you can, please comment!

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