DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 commands you don't want to be without in .Net Core

vit100 profile image
Vitaliy Markitanov • Edited

Speed is reason to do CLI?
Well, first of all CLI is good for DevOps and scripting.
.Net developers work in IDE and no reason to use CLI. How often in your project life you do 'dotnet new'? Once.

So difference in 5sec between CLI and ide is nothing..
Similar idea with other commands..

madmathmike profile image

Speed is ONE of the reasons to know and use the dotnet CLI. And 5 seconds on a repeatedly executed command (e.g., build or test) definitely improves the developer experience.

metz20001 profile image
metz2000 • Edited

Build and test have keyboard shortcuts. Package restore is automatic. Why would I type on command line instead of using an IDE? Just remembered, VS can run tests automatically after build 😃

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madmathmike profile image

Personally, I only use the CLI on a day-to-day basis because it provides me with a better development experience (e.g., speed of the commands executed, flexibility in IDE choice, etc.). So if you're very happy with your dev experience, keep rocking on. :-)

However, using the CLI directly improves your knowledge of it, which is irreplaceable if you need to manage the CI/CD pipeline of your application. Setting up some of my first automated builds in TeamCity was difficult for me because I didn't know how Visual Studio was working with command line tools (like 'MSBuild') "under the covers".

softchris profile image
Chris Noring

well.. back in the day Visual Studio wasn't as fast as it is now.. Yes definitely scripting is a good reason I should have mentioned :) .Net Core developers are a diverse bunch of people. The one on Windows tends to be on Visual Studio. The ones on Mac/Linux (myself included) more sways towards VS Code and other IDEs according to my findings (the not very scientific Twitter polls ;) ). Also you do dotnet new once per project, depends on how many projects you have I guess. Anyway appreciate your perspective Vitaliy

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

Just to add to this, I'm a Windows user with both full VS and VS code on my laptop. VS code and CLI for the win every day of the week! Full visual studio feels really cumbersome

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softchris profile image
Chris Noring

I can understand that feeling