In this short article, I will share what was my approach on How I created a website for NGO in less than 24hrs?
You can check the Repository here:
I will try to keep it as short as possible to save your time.
- First of all, I made a list of stuff that can be added to website. Like Images, data, content, etc
- Since I was using NextJS, I tried to decide how many components will be required. Like in my case it was: Navbar, Hero, Carousal, Stats, Donate, Testimonials/Review, CoreTeam, About, and Footer
- Then Placing them in a relevant order, this is a part of User Experience (UX)
- Now deciding a theme of website (Colors, style and effects)
- Once you are done with selecting a theme installing all requrired libraries, I like to create a folder structure (which was pretty simple for this project)
--- components
|--------- common
|--------- home
--- pages
|--------- api
--- styles
- Now go ahead and start creating components, starting with common components.
- Make all components responsive and optimise your web app.
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