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Vishnu Das Puthukudi
Vishnu Das Puthukudi

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Simplify Text to HTML Conversion with Text2page

What is Text2page?
Text2page is a versatile utility created to address a common need in today's digital landscape. It serves as the bridge between raw text content and a beautifully formatted web page. Whether you're a blogger, writer, or content creator, Text2page simplifies the task of turning your text-based content into web-ready pages. But what exactly does it do?

Key Features
1. Automated Paragraph Detection: Text2page intelligently parses your text, automatically identifying and formatting paragraphs, so you don't have to worry about manual formatting.
2. Custom Styling: With Text2page, you have the flexibility to apply custom styling to your HTML documents. You can link an external CSS stylesheet to ensure your web pages match your branding.
3. Batch Processing: Do you have a folder full of text files that need conversion? Text2page can handle batch processing, converting all the text files in a directory with a single command.
4. GitHub Pages Integration: Hosting your HTML files is a breeze with GitHub Pages integration. Share your content with the world effortlessly.
Now, let's dive into how you can get started with Text2page.

Getting Started with Text2page

Before you begin, ensure that you have Python 3 installed on your system. If not, you can download Python from the official website.


  • Clone the Repository:


git clone

  • Navigate to the Project Directory:

cd text2page

  • Create a "textFiles" Folder:

Inside the project directory, create a folder named "textFiles" and place your .txt files inside it. This is where your input files will be located.

Converting Text to HTML

Now that you've set up Text2page let's explore how it simplifies the text-to-HTML conversion process.

Basic Usage

To convert a single .txt file to HTML, use the following command:
python /path/to/your/file.txt

Replace /path/to/your/file.txt with the actual path to your .txt file. Text2page will take care of the rest, generating an HTML file with the same name.

Q1: Can I convert multiple files at once?

Absolutely! Text2page supports batch processing. To convert all .txt files within a directory, use:

python /path/to/your/directory

Specifying Output Directory

By default, Text2page creates an output directory named "text2page" in the project directory. However, you can specify a different output directory using the --output or -o flag. For example:

python /path/to/your/directory -o /path/to/output

This command will store the generated HTML files in the

/path/to/output directory.

Version Information and Help

To check the version of Text2page, use the --version or -v flag:

python --version

To view the help and usage information, use the --help or -h flag:

python --help

Q2: Can I customize the styling of the HTML output?

Yes, you can! Text2page allows you to link an external CSS stylesheet (style.css) to style your HTML documents.

Hosting HTML Files on GitHub Pages

  • Create an "index.html" File:

In your project directory, create an index.html file. This will be the landing page for your hosted content.

  • Link the HTML Files:

In your index.html file, you can create links to the HTML files generated by Text2page. For example:
<a href="text2page/file1.html">File 1</a>
<a href="text2page/file2.html">File 2</a>
<!-- Add more links as needed -->

  • Publish to GitHub:

Push your project to a GitHub repository, and make sure GitHub Pages is enabled in the repository settings. Your HTML content will now be accessible online.

Credits and Acknowledgments

We'd like to acknowledge and thank the following:

Inspiration: This tool was inspired by the need to convert text documents to web-friendly HTML.

Python Community: Thanks to the Python community for creating argparse and other helpful libraries.


In the world of content creation and digital publishing, Text2page is your trusted companion for converting plain text into beautifully formatted HTML. Its simplicity, flexibility, and integration with GitHub Pages make it a must-have tool for content creators, bloggers, and writers.

Ready to give Text2page a try? Head over to the GitHub repository to get started on your journey of effortless text-to-HTML conversion.

Have questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out! Happy converting!

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