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Vishnu Das Puthukudi
Vishnu Das Puthukudi

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A journey with Markdown support: A contribution to an Open Source

Open source project participation can be both thrilling and intimidating. This blog article describes the procedure, difficulties encountered and the lesson which I have gained while making a code modification to an Open Source Project.


The project I has chose for making he contribution is "TIL-Markdown2". It is a command line tool designed to convert "Today I Learned(TIL) posts written in the Markdown to HTML. The application could convert plain text (.txt) files into HTML, but it was unable to handle Markdown (.md) files. It was my aim to update the TIL Converter so that it could also handle Markdown files and translate Markdown syntax into HTML.

The Initial Setup

  • Fork the repository
  • Clone the Fork
  • Create a New Branch
  • Implement Markdown Support

Filing an Issue
I have created an issue on GitHub repo to suggest the functionality and get comments before going into the coding.
Adding Markdown Support #issue-5 was the issue's title and it has the explanation of the necessary changes need to make. I also expressed my readiness to participate and asked for clarification on the project owner's preferred method for implementing the feature.

The Pull Request

  • Push to Fork

  • Create Pull Request

  • PR Description:

  1. I gave the PR description a concise title, "Add initial support for Markdown," and a detailed explanation of my improvements. I linked the PR to the original issue using the "Fixes #5" phrase.
  • Review and Submit

As I engaged on the TIL Converter, I proposed Markdown support and gained important knowledge about teamwork, efficient communication, and manually implementing code. I anticipate having more open source adventures and developing my coding abilities.

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