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VIM is tough, or is it???

Viral Sangani on June 09, 2020

This post was originally posted on - You can read more blogs at - https://blog.viralsang...
itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

Vim is one if those: good to know things, even if don't you use it as a daily driver.

It will help you one day.

fref profile image
Fredrik Fall

one day you will login to a server over ssh and need to edit a text file... VIM!

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani

I still remember my first time with vim. Opened vim and didn't know how to close it, so I close the terminal.😅

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j_mplourde profile image
Jean-Michel Plourde

There's a reason why this question on stackoverflow is so popular

metalmikester profile image
Michel Renaud

Yeah. I know just enough about it to make minor edits, save and quit. :) Some 25 years ago a friend of mine was using Vim and the speed at which he got things done was incredible. I never had the patience to sit down and really learn it.

joaomcteixeira profile image
João M.C. Teixeira

One day you will edit a file that lives remotly directly through your local vim :-)

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani


habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder • Edited


vim is awesome!

People that call vim bad should use vi first. They will appreciate vim a lot more then.

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani

If they use vi first, then I guess they will never use vi or vim.😂

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

Which would be perfectly reasonable and understandable :D

alainvanhout profile image
Alain Van Hout

Vim is indeed a very powerful tool, though I'm always amazed how many people implicitly equate 'programming' with 'typing', in the same way that you'd equate the job of a manager with 'sitting in meeting rooms and writing emails'.

If typing is your bottleneck, rather than thinking, then you should always give it some more thought before you start typing 😁😋.

emtes profile image
Enmanuel de la Nuez

Do I need to be able to touch type?

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani

Not necessary, as a beginner it takes time, but once you have given enough time, the key binding will automatically come in your mind. It just needs practice.

5422m4n profile image
Sven Kanoldt

You should try out the vim game a lot of fun and you'll learn it quickly..

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani

That's a good place to begin.

omarkhatib profile image

Best thing about vim it's learning curve , It's reward you for lifetime it's the kind of editor that will never die .
And with years u will become like hackers in the movie . Type so fast.

viralsangani profile image
Viral Sangani

That's one of the motivation, do somthing that looks cool and not everyone can do it.🤯