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Amazon API Gateway with .NET – AWS Lambda & DynamoDB Integrations

What is Amazon API Gateway?
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that lets you create Gateways, which essentially serves as a door into your world of business logic for your application. With this service, you basically expose endpoints that on accessing connect to AWS Lambdas, public endpoints, and various other AWS Services depending on the way you build Amazon API Gateway.

Building & Publishing an AWS Lambda with .NET
First up, let’s open up Visual Studio 2022 and create a blank solution. I named my solution as AWSServerless.Dotnet.Demo. Basically, we will have 2 Lambda projects in this, which we will gradually add.

A dummy Lambda that returns a Hello message. This lambda will be used to introduce Amazon API Gateway integration basics and stuff.
A Student Lambda, to which we will add multiple Function handlers that can possibly perform some basic CRUD operations against DynamoDB. (PS, I have written an article about Getting started with DynamoDB using .NET.

Creating Amazon API Gateway with .NET
Let’s start designing our First Amazon API Gateway. Search for API Gateway in the search bar you see in the AWS Management Console. You will see the default landing page for Amazon API Gateway. Here you will be presented with choices to select an API Type. Since we will be using HTTP API, let’s click on the Build button associated with it.
Building Students Management AWS Lambda with .NET
We will be building a simple API that can get all student details, get student by ID and create a new Student record. Add a new Lambda project to our Solution and name it StudentLambda. And yes, we will be creating multiple Lambdas from a single Lambda Project. You are free to create separate projects for each of the functions. But for the current scope of the application and requirement, it’s not really necessary. We will stuff all the 3 Lambda functions into a single .NET Lambda project and make use of FunctionHandlers to separately deploy all the Lambdas to AWS.

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