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Vinod Sharma
Vinod Sharma

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The Top Task Manager Apps to Keep You Organized and On Track

Attention web developers!

Are you tired of feeling sluggish and disorganized?

Do you ever feel like juggling too many tasks and struggling to stay on top of everything? If so, you’re not alone! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of important tasks.

But don’t worry. Take control of your day and become a productivity powerhouse with a task manager. Turn your to-do list into a DONE list, and start walking the walk!

In this article, we’ll look at the top task manager apps to help you keep organized, achieve productivity and reach your goals.

First, let me share my task manager app

@NotionHQ is my go-to place for staying organized and on track.

With its powerful customization options, I’ve built a system that includes quarterly, monthly, weekly planning, and daily focus. It is an extremely powerful tool for productivity, organization, and PKM.

But don’t pick your task manager based on mine.

I’ve tried a lot of productivity tools over the years and selected Notion.

It’s crucial to find a tool that fits your working style. I recommend trying Notion, Tana, Todoist, Things3, Trello, and Microsoft ToDo.

Let’s dive in and find the perfect fit for you!


@tana_inc is the newest tool for managing tasks and personal knowledge.

Tana’s secret weapon is their extremely powerful super tags. I moved my Workflowy to Tana, and I LOVED IT.

But I felt limited in long-form writing & it dies without the internet

Things 3

@culturedcode is a compelling, simple, but mighty app.

I was using Things3 before trying Tana & Notion. It was recommended by the people I admire, such as Tiago Forte, Peter Akkies and Francesco.

Its limitations, you can’t share tasks with others.


@todoist is the most comprehensive task management system I used.

I liked it so much that I paid for the pro version.It had nicely crafted Inbox, Today, Upcoming, Filters & Labels. It works well with GTD. You can share tasks with other people.

But it felt techie.


@trello is a free and lightweight app.

Trello has almost zero learning curve. They were the first to introduce a Kanban-style board. But it was not enough to handle complex projects with many sub-tasks.

I created a life journey map using it

Microsoft ToDo

@MicrosoftToDo: Works well with the Microsoft ecosystem.

A solid option if you are using Office 365 apps. At my work, we use it for a few projects that involve multiple teams.

It is an excellent choice for your personal task management.

That’s a wrap.

Remember, a robust productivity system includes more than just a task manager.

It also involves building a second brain, establishing daily routines, adjusting your behavior, setting goals, and continuously improving.

These tools will hopefully get you started!

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