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Discussion on: If you've recently switched code editors— How's it going so far?

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Vinicius Brasil • Edited

Sublime Text > VS Code > TextMate > Vim > VS Code

From Sublime Text to Visual Studio Code

Sublime Text is a great editor, and, to be honest, I've never seen a GUI code editor opening so fast as Sublime Text. The only thing I missed in Sublime Text was a better language support, including linting, code completion and etc. That is why I switched to Visual Studio Code.

From Visual Studio Code to TextMate

VS Code is great. The UI, the editing features, the extensions and its frequent updates. By the way, it is, IMHO, the best code editor for JavaScript and its children (TypeScript, Dart, etc).

As a Ruby developer, there is a lot of things I miss in VS Code. After all these code editor switches I've learned this is not a editor problem, but a language one. Ruby is kinda hard to auto complete, because of its characteristics, compared to Java or C#, for instance.

I had a great experience with TextMate. It has a lot of macros and other kinds of tooling that really helps developers. Also, it's very famous among Ruby devs. The only problem with it is that it is not updated very often. There are some really old tools & scripts from Rails 3-4 that just don't work anymore.

From TextMate to Vim

I really liked the idea of macros and automation inside the code editor, and Vim offered me that. The learning curve took me ~3-4 weeks, but that worth it.

Vim is great, but it has to be fine-tuned to work in its best. So, I went back to VS Code.

From Vim to VS Code

My final review is that VS Code is really great. One of the things that I really like in it is the VS Code Live Share extension, perfect for pair programming (I've used Atom similar feature and it was really bad back then).

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Josef Aidt

This really resonated with me as I have a similar story. Notepad++ and Nano in the early days at school until I found Sublime Text. Sublime is great, like really great. It's so fast. To this day I still use Sublime for quick editing here and there if I don't want to have a whole extra VSC instance running for a directory full of bash scripts or something.

Then I came across vim. I didn't have the patience to sit down and grind out that learning curve as you were so brave to do, but I still use it. Honestly it's the easiest way to quickly edit a file, whether it's a simple SSH config, another bash script, or for some quick notes. Not having to leave your terminal in some operations is a nice QOL boost. But wow it can be daunting.

Now VSCode. I can't possible explain how nice this is, and maybe it's because of the wonderful web dev support Microsoft has been adding over the year. I was on Atom for a very brief period until the startup time became well over a minute and that editor would chug opening and working with large files. Maybe that's gotten better, but I have no want to move back. VSCode is fantastic.