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Discussion on: Effects of Covid-19

vinayhegde1990 profile image
Vinay Hegde

Better late than never but I believe like all things, Telemedicine has its own set of pros & cons which if not tackled suitably could cause more problems than it solves. The apathy part is something that exists in most countries because a massive investment in healthcare is often done after a calamity erupts and therefore by & large, treated as a secondary priority.

Are there other sectors you've seen a tectonic shift in or is it just telemedicine?

ahferroin7 profile image
Austin S. Hemmelgarn

I've noticed that a lot of restaurants that never offered delivery or carry-out before are doing so now (with a number of the smarter ones employing their existing waitstaff as carhops), though whether that sticks around or not remains to be seen. I've also seen a number of cases in the area where I live where the quality of the carry-out at places that already offered it has improved significantly since before this started, though I doubt that that will continue after this all dies down again (most restaurants have better margins on customers in-house than they do on carry-out, so it makes sense for them to optimize for the in-house experience).

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vinayhegde1990 profile image
Vinay Hegde

Indeed, lot of novel ventures like these will spawn but persistence across quality & service is a whole different ballgame entirely.