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Vikranth U
Vikranth U

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From Semester Mini Project to Streamlit Fusion: A Coding Mini Tale

Hey Coders,

So, back in my first semester, I was working on this project with a couple of buddies for an Intro to Programming course. We chose OpenWeatherMap and News API – you know, to keep things interesting. The goal was to whip up a tool that fetched real-time weather data and top news headlines. Not groundbreaking stuff, but a solid start in the world of APIs.

GitHub - Weather and News Python Mini Project

The Terminal snapshot of the Mini Project

A bit down the road, during a hackathon, I decided to give Streamlit a spin. I put together a basic Weather Tracker using the OpenWeatherMap API. Streamlit turned out to be a handy tool – straightforward, effective, and perfect for turning data into interactive web apps.

GitHub - Streamlit Weather Tracker

The Streamlit snapshot of the Streamlit Weather Tracker

Now, here's where it gets interesting. After a bit of a break, I thought, "Why not bring these two projects together?" Take the weather and news API from the first, blend it with Streamlit features from the second, and there you have it – CityInsight.

GitHub - CityInsight

The Streamlit snapshot of the Final Streamlit Weather and News Tracker

This project isn't a groundbreaking feat, but it's my little step into the world of personal open-source development. Dealing with different APIs, navigating through Streamlit, and merging codes – it was like putting together a tech puzzle.

Challenges? Yeah, a few. Wrapping my head around different APIs, understanding Streamlit quirks, and getting the codes to cooperate – it wasn't a walk in the park. But hey, every challenge is a lesson in the coding world, right?

So, here I am, throwing CityInsight out there. It might not be the next big thing, but it's a thing. If you're curious or want to throw in your two cents, feel free to jump in. Let's make coding a tad more interesting.

GitHub - CityInsight

See you in the code!

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