DEV Community

Vicky Vasilopoulou
Vicky Vasilopoulou

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How to make a password validation with Regex or Yup

Password Validation with Regex

const isUpperCase = new RegExp(/(?=.*[A-Z])/g)
const isSpecialChar = new RegExp(/(?=./*[!@#$%^&*])/g)
const isLowerCase = new RegExp(/(?=./*[a-z])/g)
const isLong = new RegExp(/(?=.{7,})/g)
const checkIsWhiteSpacefromBegAndEnd = new RegExp(/^[^][\w\W]*[^]/g)

const passwordValidation = (currentPassword: string): boolean => {
   currentPassword.match(isUpperCase) &&
   currentPassword.match(isSpecialChar) &&
   currentPassword.match(isLowerCase) &&
   currentPassword.match(isLong) && 
 ) {
   return true
 return false

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For the tests I am using Jest and taking a TDD approach.

You can write lots of tests these are just a few of the samples I wrote.

describe('Given the pssword validation function', () => {
 test('test passing requirements', () => {
  expect(passwordValidation('A b 1 ! 2 %')).toBe(true)

test('test failing password requirements', () => {
 expect(passwordValidation(' ahhhhh')).toBe(false)
 expect(passwordValidation(' aAhhhhh')).toBe(false)
 expect(passwordValidation(' aA122hhhhh')).toBe(false)
 expect(passwordValidation(' 111111122')).toBe(false)
 expect(passwordValidation(' 111111122aA')).toBe(false)
 expect(passwordValidation(' Bba !')).toBe(false)
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Password Validation with Yup

Yup Link

export const passwordValidation = Yup.string()
    'Your password needs to have at least one capital letter',
    'Your password needs to have at least one special character',
    'Your password needs to have at least one lower case character',
  .matches(/(?=.*[0-9])/, 'Your password needs to have at least one number')

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