Hi dev.to ๐
Bulma CSS Framework has reached almost 40k stars on GitHub.
I've took it over Bootstrap, as it uses modern Flexbox, has easy to learn syntax and comes without javascript (and without jQuery), so it can be used in any development context.
I'd like to share my open-source admin dashboards made with Bulma CSS Framework, Vue.js & Buefy.
Admin One
Free Vue.js Buefy Bulma admin dashboard (SPA/PWA).
Live Demo | Source code on GitHub
Admin Two
One more free dashboard built with Vue.js Buefy & Bulma.
Live Demo | Source code on GitHub
Admin Null
And a variation of Admin One featuring light/dark mode.
Live Demo | Source code on GitHub
What do you think?
Do you know some other open-source dashboards built with Bulma CSS Framework?
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