DEV Community

Vikas Parmar
Vikas Parmar

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package.json Vs package-lock.json

The package.json and package-lock.json files are both related to managing dependencies in a Node.js project, but they serve different purposes. Here's a breakdown of their differences:

1. package.json:

  • package.json is a file that contains metadata about the project and lists the dependencies, scripts, and other configuration details.
  • It is manually created and maintained by developers.
  • Developers specify the project dependencies, their versions, and other package-related information in the dependencies and devDependencies sections of package.json.
  • It is typically committed to version control (e.g., Git) and shared with other developers.
  • When another developer clones the project or runs the npm install command, the dependencies listed in package.json will be installed.

2. package-lock.json:

  • package-lock.json is automatically generated by the npm or Yarn package manager when dependencies are installed or updated.
  • It serves as a detailed record of the exact versions of dependencies installed in the project, including transitive dependencies (dependencies of dependencies).
  • It ensures that the project is using the exact same versions of dependencies across different environments or by different developers, providing consistent builds.
  • It also includes information about the resolved versions of dependencies, their integrity hashes, and the file paths where they are installed.
  • package-lock.json should be committed to version control, ensuring that all developers working on the project have the same dependency versions.

In summary, package.json is a manually created file that contains metadata, dependency listings, and project configurations. It is maintained and updated by developers. On the other hand, package-lock.json is automatically generated and records the exact dependency versions and their resolved details. It ensures consistency and reproducibility of builds across different environments.

It's important to note that starting from npm 5, package-lock.json is generated by default for new projects, while earlier versions of npm generate a npm-shrinkwrap.json file with a similar purpose. Yarn also generates a yarn.lock file for the same purpose.

I hope this clarifies the differences between package.json and package-lock.json! Let me know if you have any more questions.

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