DEV Community

Vijay Gangatharan
Vijay Gangatharan

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Streamlining AWS Secret Management: A Bash Script for Efficient onboarding of secrets into pipeline

When working with AWS services, securely managing sensitive information like API keys, passwords, and database credentials is paramount. Manually configuring these secrets can be error-prone, time-consuming, and introduce security risks. This Bash script offers a streamlined solution by automating the process of loading secrets from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store (SSM) based on specific criteria. By centralizing secret management and enforcing access controls, this script helps organizations maintain a secure and efficient development environment.

The script utilizes a two-tiered approach to load secrets:

  1. Global Secrets: These secrets are applicable to all environments and services. They are stored in a designated SSM path and loaded without any filtering.
  2. Environment-Specific Secrets: These secrets are tailored to specific environments (e.g., development, staging, production). They are stored in a separate SSM path and loaded based on the specified ENV parameter.

The script leverages the load_parameters_by_path_with_tags_filter function to filter secrets based on a "service" tag. This allows for granular control over which secrets are loaded for a particular service within a given environment. By matching the "service" tag to the SERVICE_NAME parameter or setting it to "all," the script ensures that only relevant secrets are made available to the application.

Understanding the Script
Let's break down the script's functionality:

1. Parameter Validation:

  • The script ensures that both ENV and SERVICE_NAME parameters are provided, as they are essential for identifying the correct secrets to load.

2. Environment Setup:

  • The ENV and SERVICE_NAME values are set as environment variables.
  • A .env file is created to store the loaded secrets.

3. Loading Secrets from AWS SSM:

  • The script utilizes two primary functions:
    • load_parameters_by_path_with_tags_filter: This function loads secrets from a specified SSM path and filters them based on a tag named "service." If the "service" tag matches the SERVICE_NAME or is set to "all," the secrets are exported to the environment.
    • load_parameters_by_path: This function loads secrets from a specified SSM path without any filtering, exporting all secrets to the environment.

4. Secret Loading Sequence:

  • The script follows a specific sequence to load secrets:
    • Global secrets (independent of environment)
    • Global and environment-specific secrets
    • Application-specific secrets
    • Application and environment-specific secrets

5. Environment Variable Export:

  • The loaded secrets are exported as environment variables, making them accessible within your application or scripts.

Benefits for Developers

  • Enhanced Security: By storing secrets in AWS SSM, you can centralize management and enforce access controls.
  • Improved Efficiency: The script automates the process of loading secrets, saving developers time and reducing the risk of human error.
  • Flexibility: The script's filtering mechanism allows for fine-grained control over which secrets are loaded based on environment and service requirements.
  • Scalability: As your application grows and requires more secrets, the script can easily handle the increased complexity.

How to Use the Script

  1. Save the script as a .sh file (e.g.,
  2. Make the script executable: chmod +x
  3. Run the script with the required parameters: ./ <ENV> <SERVICE_NAME>.

You can customize the script to fit your specific needs by:

  • Modifying the SSM paths to match your secret organization.
  • Adding or removing filtering criteria based on your requirements.
  • Integrating the script into your CI/CD pipelines for automated secret management.

This Bash script provides a robust and efficient solution for managing AWS secrets within your development environment. By automating the loading process and leveraging AWS SSM, you can enhance security, improve productivity, and streamline your development workflow.

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