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Vihar Kurama
Vihar Kurama

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We built Plane ✈️ Open Source Project Management Tool (Next.js + Django)

Plane GitHub Repo

Story behind Plane

Plane is an open-source project management tool designed to help teams from different domains including engineering, marketing, product, and design to collaborate and manage their projects more efficiently. It is an alternative to expensive and opinionated tools such as JIRA, Trello, OpenProject, etc. that often come with steep learning curves and may not be suitable for every team's unique needs.

Plane Views

Plane allows users to start with a basic task tracking tool and gradually adopt various project management frameworks like Agile, Waterfall, and many more.

Setting-up Plane

Setting up the Plane server is a breeze! You can easily do it by running a simple command using docker-compose from your terminal. Whether you prefer working on your local machine or cloud provider, Plane server is packaged as a Docker container.

git clone
cd plane
./ localhost
docker-compose up
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Plane is also on DockerHub and can be installed with single command, read our docs to learn more.

Plane Features

  • Issue Planning and Tracking: Quickly create issues and add details using a powerful rich text editor that supports file uploads. Add sub-properties and references to issues for better organization and tracking.
  • Issue Attachments: Collaborate effectively by attaching files to issues, making it easy for your team to find and share important project-related documents.
  • Layouts: Customize your project view with your preferred layout - choose from List, Kanban, or Calendar to visualize your project in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Cycles: Plan sprints with Cycles to keep your team on track and productive. Gain insights into your project's progress with burn-down charts and other useful features.
  • Modules: Break down your large projects into smaller, more manageable modules. Assign modules between teams to easily track and plan your project's progress.
  • Views: Create custom filters to display only the issues that matter to you. Save and share your filters in just a few clicks.
  • Pages: Plane pages function as an AI-powered notepad, allowing you to easily document issues, cycle plans, and module details, and then synchronize them with your issues.
  • Commend Menu: Enjoy a better user experience with the new Command/Control + K menu. Easily manage and navigate through your projects from one convenient location.
  • GitHub Sync: Streamline your planning process by syncing your GitHub issues with Plane. Keep all your issues in one place for better tracking and collaboration.

Demo: Plane Cloud

Love our project? Show us your support by leaving a star on GitHub.

GitHub logo makeplane / plane

🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source JIRA, Linear and Height Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and product roadmaps in the simplest way possible.

Plane Logo


Open-source, self-hosted project planning tool

Discord Discord

Plane Screens

Meet Plane. An open-source software development tool to manage issues, sprints, and product roadmaps with peace of mind 🧘‍♀️.

Plane is still in its early days, not everything will be perfect yet, and hiccups may happen. Please let us know of any suggestions, ideas, or bugs that you encounter on our Discord or GitHub issues, and we will use your feedback to improve on our upcoming releases.

The easiest way to get started with Plane is by creating a Plane Cloud account. Plane Cloud offers a hosted solution for Plane. If you prefer to self-host Plane, please refer to our deployment documentation.

⚡️ Quick start with Docker Compose

Docker Compose Setup

  • Clone the Repository
git clone
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  • Change Directory
cd plane
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  • Run
./ localhost 
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If running in a cloud env replace localhost with public facing IP address of the VM

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