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Isolation Made Easy : venv📁in Python

“Big things have small beginnings.” ~ Promethus

Hey there, Python learner..

Setting up a virtual environment (or venv) is an essential part of any Python project.

It helps keep dependencies organized and avoids conflicts with other projects.

Here’s a quick and friendly guide on:

  • how to create a virtual environment.
  • verify it
  • even check where your packages are being installed._

Step 1: Create the Virtual Environment

To kick things off, open your terminal or command prompt and run this command:

python -m venv venv
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You should see a folder named venv—that’s your virtual environment! 🎉

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Step 2: Activate the Virtual Environment⚡

source venv/Scripts/activate
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After running this command, your prompt will change to something like below image:👇

Step 3: Verify the Active Environment🔍

which python
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Step 4: Install a Package and Verify Installation📦

Try installing any package, here i am installing boto3 which is an official AWS SDK for python.

pip install boto3
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This will show all the packages installed in your virtual environment, including boto3

pip list
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Step 5: Deactivate the Virtual Environment🔒

Once deactivated, run pip list again, it will show the packages installed globally, rather than the ones in your virtual environment.

deactivate venv
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pip list
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And that’s it!🎊

You’re set to use virtual environments in Python.

So go ahead—give it a try!

Always remember: Experiment, break things, fix them, and watch your projects run smoothly.🚀

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