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Cover image for How to quickly batch resize, compress, and convert images with a Bash one-liner
Victoria Drake
Victoria Drake

Posted on • Originally published at on

How to quickly batch resize, compress, and convert images with a Bash one-liner

Part of my Hugo site continuous deployment workflow is the processing of 210 images, at time of writing.

Here’s my one-liner:

find public/ -not -path "*/static/*" \( -name '*.png' -o -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' \) -print0 | xargs -0 -P8 -n2 mogrify -strip -thumbnail '1000>' -format jpg

I use find to target only certain image file formats in certain directories. With mogrify, part of ImageMagick, I resize only the images that are larger than a certain dimension, compress them, and strip the metadata. I tack on the format flag to create jpg copies of the images.

Here’s the one-liner again (broken up for better reading):

# Look in the public/ directory
find public/ \
# Ignore directories called "static" regardless of location
-not -path "*/static/*" \
# Print the file paths of all files ending with any of these extensions
\( -name '*.png' -o -name '*.jpg' -o -name '*.jpeg' \) -print0 \
# Pipe the file paths to xargs and use 8 parallel workers to process 2 arguments
| xargs -0 -P8 -n2 \
# Tell mogrify to strip metadata, and...
mogrify -strip \
# ...compress and resize any images larger than the target size (1000px in either dimension)
-thumbnail '1000>' \
# Convert the files to jpg format
-format jpg

That’s it. That’s the post.

Top comments (12)

booyaa profile image
Mark Sta Ana • Edited

Having more workers allows you to process more data (in this case images) at the same time. The workers can process different chunks of the image. Number of workers will match the number of CPU cores you have on your computer. This is the same technique you would adopt when compiling code rather than wait for data to be processed sequentially.

booyaa profile image
Mark Sta Ana

You should write a blog post that does the same thing using sharp!

stiles69 profile image
Brett Salemink

Great one liner. Was looking for something just like this. Thanks!

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Sweet! You're welcome Brett!

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

I think my work here is done. 😁

vistad profile image

Super cool! I also was looking for this kind of automation. Thank you!

eaich profile image

I actually needed something like this. Thank you so much!

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

Glad to hear it! You're welcome!

zcabjro profile image

Thanks for sharing this.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

You're welcome! Hope it was useful to you!

joshcheek profile image
Josh Cheek

We need more posts like this.

victoria profile image
Victoria Drake

I'll do my best! :)