DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v66

vgastonguiu profile image

¡Hola! Nice to be here around you! I was the pure social sciences gal (lawyer, studied arts, global studies research...) and ditched it all. I started learning Python and I liked it but I didn´t find resources or a community that kept me motivated. Not I am support rep at a hosting company and for now I am doing the The Odin Project JS full-stack path, let´s see where this brings me! On my free time I volunteer at Coding Girls preparing free bootcamps, workshops and courses for - anyone but yes, especially for shy girls who need a push into tech!

chrisachard profile image
Chris Achard

Awesome! Good luck as you go through the Odin Project - I've heard good things from others. Hopefully you get a lot out of DEV too!