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Vesiko Di
Vesiko Di

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3 Questions You Should Ask Your Potential Software Developer

You’ve decided to outsource your software development. You’ve created a list of potential candidates. The hard part for many is making the right decision, though you cannot afford to make a mistake in this area. If you ask the right questions, you’ll be able to vet software development firms for the skills, expertise, and capacity you need - and weed out those that are not a match. Here are three questions you should ask your potential software developer.

Have You Worked on Projects Similar to Mine?

If a software development firm has already worked on projects that are similar to yours, they probably understand your industry. They will understand the problems your customers have that the software is supposed to solve. Another factor to consider is the market sector. Working with big businesses is different than working with startups. This is the time to ask for a client list to verify they actually have experience working with your industry, technology, and desired end product.

What Is Software Development Like in Your Company?

This question helps you to learn more about their software development process and gauge how much they invest in the business side of your project. Are they following a formal software development process or racing to slap something together? Do they carefully gather software requirements, create versions for testing, thoroughly test it, and iteratively improve it?

Or, are they aiming for a minimally viable product or the fully functional version you truly want? Companies like Clockwork can create prototypes and minimally viable software that lets you seize an opportunity and create a scalable infrastructure that will grow with your company. Don’t assume that a website design firm can create an integrated dashboard tool for your company, though a team like Clockwork can.

Also, ask how they see your role in the project. Do they expect you to simply hand over money and hope the final product is right? Will they involve you in the development process, inviting you to review prototypes and regular meetings?
How Do You Communicate During the Software Development Project?

Communication is key to success. A lack of communication could easily throw a wrench in the project. How often will the project lead contact you with the status of the project? How will software developers contact your team when they have questions or need help testing? Ask what collaboration tools you’ll use since you’d like to be on the same literal page from the start.

Take the time to ask what files you’ll be able to access during the development. Will you be able to track projects via project management boards, or will you only see instant messages when someone has a question? Can you see the software file repositories and check the quality of the code yourself? In the ideal case, you’ll be able to see everything from burndown charts to time reports and code as it is uploaded to the repository.

Make certain that you ask what will happen if you’re not satisfied with the product or service and how problems will be handled if they’re found during development.


Ask the right questions, and the software developers will tell you whether or not they’re a match for your firm’s needs. Invest the time and effort now to verify that you’re making the right choice because you cannot afford to waste time trying to fix someone else’s mistakes or shortfalls.

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