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Alena Piksaeva
Alena Piksaeva

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User Story Template: crafting effective stories

All great products involve users.

A well-structured user story is the cornerstone of effective product development, helping your team understand and prioritize the needs of your users. This User Story Template provides a structured framework to create user stories that encapsulate user goals, tasks, and acceptance criteria, ensuring your team remains aligned and focused on delivering meaningful value.

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Components of a User Story:

  1. User Role: This defines the primary persona or role for whom the feature is being built.
  2. Action (Verb): Describes a specific action the user wants to perform or a goal they want to achieve.
  3. Benefit: Explains why the user wants to perform the action and the value they expect to gain.

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Template of a User Story:

As a [User Role],

I want to [Perform a specific action or achieve a goal],

So that [State the benefit or outcome for the user].

Outline the sequential or parallel tasks the user must complete to achieve their goal.

Add additional tasks if necessary.

Acceptance criteria:

Enumerate the conditions that must be met for the story to be considered complete and satisfactory.

State specific functionalities, features, or interactions that need to be implemented.

List any edge cases or exceptions that should be addressed.

Specify performance, security, or usability requirements.


User Role: As a website visitor,

I want to: view a list of available workshops and their details,

So that: I can decide which workshop aligns with my interests.

As a website visitor, I want to: view a list of available workshops and their details, so that I can decide which workshop aligns with my interests.


  1. Navigate to the "Workshops" section on the homepage.
  2. Browse through the list of workshops and their brief descriptions.
  3. Click on a workshop to view its detailed schedule and instructors.

Acceptance Criteria:

The "Workshops" section is accessible from the homepage navigation menu.

Each workshop listing includes its title, date, location, and a brief description.

Clicking on a workshop displays a page with its full schedule, instructor profiles, and registration details.

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