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Discussion on: Python Dictionary Implementation Question

vedgar profile image
Vedran Čačić

Probably is the video you seek.

And PLEASE: refer to Does it make sense to refer to the documentation of a language that will become unsupported in 42 days? (And, more to the point, has an outdated implementation of dictionaries.)

tommygeorge profile image
tommy george

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm well aware of Python2's EOL. I think providing a few good leads for someone looking for answers was a kind thing to do.

I doubt Python2's implementation is dangerous to the extent that it's harmful to share what I did. Please be careful to build on other's answers, instead of discouraging folks from trying to drop a few leads.

I acknowledge that if I had directly provided links to source, it would have been better that they were more up-to-date sources. I wasn't in a position to do that, so gave what I had.

That's not the specific video, but it's probably a better example than the one I remember. So thanks for pointing that one out! ;)

It is much better to provide links and things to Python 3.x resources, for sure!

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vedgar profile image
Vedran Čačić

Not dangerous, just useless (in the context). I can't see how changing 2 to 3 in that url could be perceived as so hard to do.