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Vedant Nandwana
Vedant Nandwana

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Vim Cheat Sheet!

Vim is a powerful text editor,it ships with every unix-like operating system. It is a editor to which if you get addicted you can’t go back. Here’s a cheat sheet I prepared for you guys.

Note! -
<x> - Means imaginary number
<c> - Means - imaginary character

Modes in VIM -

Normal Mode- To run commands and move through h,j,k,l keys in the document
Insert Mode - To type on the document
Visual Mode - To select text inside the document

Commands in Vim:
:q - Quits
:wq - Saves & quits
:q! - Quits without saving
i or a - Insert Mode
Shift + i - Insert mode with ignoring white spaces
v - For Visual Mode
GG - Go to first character of document
Shift+G - Go to last character of document
O - Go to first character of the line
<x>G - Go to Line number
<x>l - Go characters up
<x>k - Go characters right
<x>h - Go characters left
<x>j - Go characters down
x - Deletes a character
<x>x - deletes characters
<x>d - Delete Line
u - Undo
<x>u - Undo times
Ctrl + r - Redo
dw - Delete a whole word
dd - Deletes a whole line
d$ - Deletes whole line from cursor to the end
w - Go to beginning character of word
W - Moves to word & ignores special characters
b - Moves to preceding word
B - Moves to preceding word & ignores special characters
e - Moves to last character of word
E - Moves to last character of word & ignores special characters
A - Takes to last character of line & appends
<x> - Takes to character of line
<x>w - Go to beginning character of word
<x>+shift+g+p - Moves a line to number
r - replace a character
C - Deletes whole line from cursor to the end & takes in insert mode
cw - Deletes a word and takes in the insert mode
c$ - Deletes the whole line from the cursor to end & takes in insert mode
jk - Moves by logical line
gj - Moves by visual line
f<c> - Moves forward to character
F<c> - Moves backward to character
t<c> - Moves forward to preceding / until character to character
T<c> - Moves backward to preceding character to character
s - deletes a character
S - deletes entire line
O - takes us to next line & insert
yw - Copy’s the next word
yy - Copy’s the whole line
y$ - Copy’s whole line from cursor to the end
p - to paste
% - To highlight open & close parentheses
/<c> - To search instance forward in the document
?<c> - To search instance backwards in the document
N - Takes us to the next instance of the search
Ctrl + O - Takes us back to the instance that you were before
Ctrl + i - Takes us next to the instance that we’re before
:%/s/<c>/<c2>/g - Replace with in the document
<x>,<.x...>s/<c>/<c2>/g - Replace with in the lines
<x>,<.x...>s/<c>/<c2>/gc - Replace with in the lines & ask every time
:!<command> - Runs in terminal in vim
:term - Launch terminal inside vim

That's it for today, soon to be bringing a post on vim customization.

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