DEV Community

Vasily Polovnyov
Vasily Polovnyov

Posted on

Is it time to quit?

The worst thing a programmer can do for his career is to trade ten years of his life not for ten years of experience, but for one year repeated ten times. You're sitting in your own cubicle, programming there, and then you stop and think: 'Wow! It is amazing how crazy I really am: ten years in the same place with the same Drupal'.

In order to spot such a problem in time, every six months I ask myself three questions:

  1. What interesting, significant and important things have I done in the last six months?

  2. What skills have I gained or improved over the past six months? Do I need them at all?

  3. How am I doing with the team and company? What about the trust, values, and mission of the company? Do I still believe in them? Or is everything already filled with cynicism and pessimism?

If the answers to two of the three questions are discouraging, it's time to quit.

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