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Do you know javascript?

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Can you guess the output? Do explain it in the comment section

Top comments (5)

ervin_szilagyi profile image
Ervin Szilagyi • Edited

It should print undefined.
This is because of hoisting which happens to variable a. In case of declaring a variable with var keyword, the variable is hoisted to the current execution context, which for a is the enclosing function.

srirampandikasala profile image
Sriram Pandikasala

Due to variable hoisting within function scope.

Well it appears to be "hoisted" because there are two phases that happens during compilation, in which during the first phase, the function and variable declaration, including the variables within function, happens;
And during the second (execution) phase, the assignment happens.
Since var is function scoped, whenever any var variable is encountered within a function, it gets declared during the first phase. This also explains why the var is accessible outside a block scope like if-else blocks within a function.
So at the end of first phase, the code will seem to be like below:
function printVariable() {
var a;
var a = 15;
And a non-assigned variable is assigned undefined as value by default.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong with my explanation

varunprashar5 profile image

Very beautifully explained with in-deph details. Good job

adamh profile image

"this is a variable"

varunprashar5 profile image

No, its undefined. Please check Sriram explanation.