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Vanshaj Sharma
Vanshaj Sharma

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Welcome Bot for Discord: A Step-by-Step Code Explanation

Discord is a popular platform for gamers and communities to communicate and share their interests. It provides a powerful API that allows developers to create their own bots and add exciting functionalities to their servers. In this article, we will walk you through the process of building a simple "Welcome Bot" for Discord using Python and the library.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Python: You can download Python from the official website ( and install it for your operating system. To interact with the Discord API, we will use the library. You can install it using the following pip command:

pip install

Creating the Welcome Bot

Let's start by creating our Welcome Bot using the provided code snippet. This bot will send a welcome message to a new member when they join the server and respond with "!HELLO" when someone says "hi."

Image description

Code Explanation

Let's break down the code to understand its functionalities:

  1. We start by importing the discord library, which is the core library for creating Discord bots in Python.

  2. We create an instance of discord.Intents and enable the members intent. Intents are used to specify which events the bot can listen to, and in this case, we want to listen for new members joining the server.

  3. We create the Discord client using discord.Client(intents=intents). The client is the main interface through which the bot interacts with the Discord API.

  4. We define an on_ready() event, which is triggered when the bot successfully connects to Discord. Inside this event, we set the bot's presence to "Watching Over This Server."

  5. The on_member_join(member) event is triggered when a new member joins the server. We use this event to send a welcome message to the your_channel_id channel in the your_server_id server. The member parameter represents the new member who joined the server.

  6. Additionally, we send a direct message to the new member using member.send(), welcoming them to the server.

  7. The on_message(message) event is triggered whenever a message is sent in any channel the bot has access to. In this case, if a user sends the message "hi," the bot responds with "!HELLO."

  8. Finally, we run the bot by passing the token of the bot to"Your token"). Replace "Your token" with the actual token obtained from the Discord Developer Portal after creating your bot application.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a simple Welcome Bot for your Discord server using Python and the library. This bot will greet new members and respond with "!HELLO" when someone says "hi." You can further enhance this bot by adding more features, customizing the welcome message, or implementing additional event handlers. Happy coding!

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