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Van Hoang Kha
Van Hoang Kha

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Networking on AWS - Part 2

In the previous part, we discussed the basics of networking on AWS. In this part, we will take a closer look at setting up and configuring a VPC on AWS.

Setting up a VPC

When setting up a VPC on AWS, you have the option to create a new VPC or use an existing one. If you choose to create a new VPC, you will need to specify the IP address range for your VPC and create one or more subnets. You can also specify the availability zone for your subnets, which allows you to distribute your instances across multiple data centers for high availability.

Configuring Route Tables

After creating your subnets, you need to configure the route tables to control the traffic flow between them. By default, AWS creates a main route table for your VPC, which controls the traffic between all subnets. You can create additional route tables and associate them with specific subnets to control traffic flow between them.

Configuring Security Groups

Once your VPC and subnets are set up, you can configure your security groups. Security groups act as a virtual firewall, controlling inbound and outbound traffic to and from instances in your VPC. You can create separate security groups for different types of instances, such as web servers, application servers, and database servers. You can also allow traffic from specific IP addresses or other security groups.

Configuring Internet Gateways

If you want to allow your instances to connect to the internet, you need to configure an internet gateway. An internet gateway allows instances within your VPC to connect to the internet. You can attach an internet gateway to your VPC and configure your route tables to send internet-bound traffic to the internet gateway.


In conclusion, setting up and configuring a VPC on AWS is essential for deploying applications in the cloud. Understanding the basics of VPCs, subnets, route tables, security groups, and internet gateways is crucial to ensuring that your applications are secure, reliable, and performant. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can create a VPC that meets your specific requirements and provides a solid foundation for your AWS deployment.

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