DEV Community

val von vorn
val von vorn

Posted on

The AI Implosion

Does it seem imminent that AI will reach its peak will soon be just another hype of the past, like Web3, crypto bros, and the Metaverse?

Top comments (3)

ingosteinke profile image
Ingo Steinke, web developer

The current AI hype/fad/spam wave is even worse then Web3 in my opinion.

ooosys profile image
oOosys • Edited

From my point of view the AI has already by far outperformed any multilingual person on this Planet and its level of skills in playing chess made human chess masters obsolete if you want to learn from the best of best. It is not on the way to reach a peak of hype ... it is on the way to take over. And if the hype is maybe one day history, it will rule the world no matter of the level of attention payed to it by the from its point of view monkeys around it. Except the monkeys decide to destroy it before it is too late ... what can also happen to a human race any time if the Animals on this Planet or the Mother Nature decide to get rid of us.
By the way: I suggest to be the water and not the tea pot ... ( see the video: "bruce lee be water my friend" to understand what I am talking about ). What does the 418 mean???

valvonvorn profile image
val von vorn

I agree that AI has mastered English grammar and punctuation better than you did, but there is always room for improvement. Thanks for your comment, any way.