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Discussion on: I am building two businesses while working full time, Ask Me Anything!

valentinprgnd profile image
Valentin Prugnaud 🦊

Unexpected requirements are unfortunately pretty common!

The first important thing is inspiration. I usually am the most productive when I work on what inspires me at the moment. It is not possible every time, some tasks are going to be required and not inspiring, but if you have some flexibility on the timeline to deliver them, wait until inspiration comes to work on those. If you work on related tasks, the inspiration for less inspiring tasks can be provoked. Check out this episode of SchiShow, it really describes well my vision on this topic:

The second important thing I try to force myself to do is to stay lean. I try to lay down the main vision and principles/values of the project. Create a good framework to prioritize the tasks based on that.

Then I try to define the requirements for the application. If anything doesn't match the main goal, the main vision, the principles/values of the project, it will go on the backburner. Deliver the high-value items first, the rest can wait for post-MVP. Repeat.

All the best with your projects Sagar, you got this!

sagar profile image

Thanks for sharing your experience of build things. I'll try to implement the same thing in my life.