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Looking for Tech Lead resources (books, sites, etc.)

Valentin Baca on September 20, 2018

First, to be clear, this is not about becoming a Manager. My career path is trending toward becoming a Technical Leader. In essence, this is simil...
pnelson5 profile image
Patrick Nelson

SE Radio did an interview a couple years ago with a Patrick Kua, a Tech Lead from ThoughtWorks. I thought it was a good discussion. He also wrote a book on the subject.

Hope this helps!

ccleary00 profile image
Corey Cleary

Seconding this, Patrick Kua has some great insights and reading his book was really helpful for me when I first became a Tech Lead.

He also has some good smaller posts on the topic (also on the ThoughtWorks blog):
5 Tips for Being an Effective Tech Lead
Three Common Mistakes of the First Time Tech Lead

val_baca profile image
Valentin Baca

This looks spot on. Thanks!

themindfuldev profile image
Tiago Romero Garcia

I always suggest this book "The Servant" about servant leadership:

This is about being a leader instead of being a boss, and it's not specifically about being a tech lead but more about soft-skills which are useful anywhere else in your life. For me it was a life changer.

jwrubel profile image
James Wrubel

What a great recommendation! It was one of the reasons I decided to create . So many people end up moving into management and don't get a chance to learn about servant leadership.

mikeveerman profile image
Mike Veerman

Hi Valentin,

As someone who has made a career out of technical leadership, I can't help but warn you: a big part of that job will be management. ;-)

That means most of those management books will be useful to you as well. If you haven't read the classic "The Mythical Man-month" yet: that's a great place to start.

I didn't know "On Writing Well" and it's on my to-read list now. Thanks!

brpaz profile image
Bruno Paz

I am reading this book and its awesome:

It might not be exactly what you are looking for, but I think its worth reading anyway. Chapter 3 is dedicated to being a Tech Lead.

arj profile image

I found an earlier blog entry here to be extremely helpful:

reergymerej profile image
ᴙɘɘᴙgYmɘᴙɘj is really good. It focuses on the culture teams come from rather than symptoms.

hammersi profile image
Sagi h

Check out the tech lead YouTube page.