DEV Community

Discussion on: How do you deal with half-finished projects?

vaclavhodek profile image

Commit it and move to my special archive folder. Usually, after some time, I get back to find some algorithm to use in another project.

From time to time, I use old project to build a component for my current one.

madza profile image

That's how I usually approach this, tbh 😉
The problem is 'archive' folder tends to become massive at times, aka too much stuff going on at the same time 😃😃

vaclavhodek profile image

Exactly! That's why I always commit it as the local copy in archive folder is just a temporary solution, and occassionally, I delete it (system re-install, harddisk change, need more space for porn :-D, etc.).

Before GIT, I used SVN and I have "work" repository of about 20GB with just my small projects - I was too lazy to create a new repo for each of the projects :-).

I tend to have only the most important projects - those I feel that can be reused.