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Why Hire Flutter Developers For Multi-Platform Project

Flutter is an open-source cross-platform SDK developed by Google for smooth and effective cross-platform application development. Businesses hire Flutter developers to rapidly build high-end natively compiled apps that can work on multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web without emptying their pockets.

The most important benefit Flutter gives is that it allows the development of applications on multiple platforms with a single codebase. That allows rapid development and provides easy testing and updates on all platforms. This benefit alone makes Flutter a popular choice for businesses and developers worldwide. And the popularity keeps on increasing each year.

This article will discuss why Flutter is a good choice for businesses and how you can hire flutter developers for your project. Let’s begin.

What is Flutter?

When we had to build mobile applications, the best tools were C, Swift, Java, and Kotlin. However, the development was expensive, and developers had to make the application twice for two platforms, which meant more work. To solve this, developers tried to build different cross-platform frameworks and toolkits that could help develop an application on multiple platforms simultaneously. Among these frameworks, which include- React Native, PhoneGap, Xamarin, and more., Flutter became an insanely popular choice among the masses.

According to the product manager of Flutter and Dart, Tim Sneath, more than two million developers have used Flutter after only sixteen months of its release. By 2020, according to Statista, Flutter has become the second most popular framework, with 39% of mobile developers using it.

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Source: Statista

Flutter is a UI Software Development ToolKit that builds applications for multiple platforms from a single codebase while giving native-like interactivity. It is built on the Dart programming language and is widget heavy. Businesses hire Flutter developers to create highly interactive and natural User interfaces. Top companies such as Google, eBay, Alibaba Group, and more use Flutter to develop their mobile and web applications uniformly.

Why Hire Flutter Developers?

Flutter has many advantages over other app development tools and frameworks. Let’s list down the reasons why tech companies hire Flutter developers.

1. Open Source
Flutter is an open-source toolkit from Google. Developers can easily access documentation, libraries, and widgets from various developer forums. It increases the productivity of the coders and helps them stay up-to-date with the latest software. It also helps in reducing costs and increasing development speed.

2. One Codebase for All Platforms
Flutter has code reusability that allows developers to write code that can be compiled in any platform easily. Businesses hire Flutter developers as it is a far cheaper and faster method than building different apps for different platforms. It allows faster app development on multiple platforms and makes it easier to test, launch and update them simultaneously.

3. The “It’s all Widgets” Principle
Flutter is a widget-based UI development kit. Its custom widgets create great visuals for your app. You can apply OOPs to any element as well. You can hire Flutter developers to create UI elements and adapt and customize them to different screens, resolutions, and platforms. Flutter provides widgets that can easily meet web application requirements. You can also wrap widgets inside each other to enable various functions.

4. Rich Libraries
Flutter uses many open-source libraries. An example is the Skia Graphics library, a mature and fast graphics library that redraws the UI with each change in view. What does it do? It loads the app smoothly and quickly. You can hire Flutter developers to make your apps more seamless and interactive with rich features.‍

5. Fast Testing with Hot Reload.
With other frameworks, you have to reload the app to see every new change in the code, not with Flutter. The hot reload feature helps make real-time changes, letting developers see the changes and experiment simultaneously, making the development and testing quicker. Updates are available in seconds, with no waiting period or interruptions in working. This boosts the productivity of the developers as well.

Skills of Flutter developers

  • Design and develop apps – A Flutter developer can ensure consistent performance. Whether it is about planning the timeline, designing the app, or developing any complex application, you can do it in less time with Flutter. With their expertise, they can incorporate critical features during development and predict potential bugs.

  • Write clean code – A skilled Flutter developer can write clean code that is readable and comprehensive. The clean code will allow for the faster and proper scaling of the app, enabling the development team to spend less time on how it operates.

  • Participate in the development life-cycle – Building an app involves a Flutter developer working with UI/UX designers, QA engineers, project managers and others. As a result, hiring a Flutter developer is recommended to produce better results and timely collaboration with all members. They also act as specialists to help predict timeline estimates for project production.

  • Fix bugs – QA engineers conduct several tests to detect any bugs or malfunctions after finishing the production of each feature. Working with a well-versed Flutter developer can help you fix any issues as soon as they are detected during the testing phase.

  • Investigate technologies – The IT industry is constantly evolving, with new advancements and innovations being introduced regularly. As a result, the best Flutter developers can share their knowledge and creativity with you to expand and improve your application design by incorporating new tools.

  • Follow new trends – Continuous learning is obligatory for all developers. Flutter was initially released in 2017, but it has been already upgraded three times to date. Therefore, a Flutter developer can help you with a bunch of updates for different platforms.

How to hire the right Flutter Talent Marketplace for your project?

Some platforms may be unable to provide you with the best solutions for your app development. However, you can keep a few points in mind to select the best platform to hire Flutter developers. Some of the things you can look for:

Look for client testimonials, verified reviews, and case studies to understand the platform and see if they fit you well.
View their previous flutter app development project to grasp their work.

They should be willing to create authentic collaborations, have a clear vision of the client's goals, and help bring strategies and solutions.

Evaluate the platform and the developers. See if they're willing to associate for a long-term partnership and how they will build the product and make desirable customizations.


Flutter is one of the best frameworks for developing applications for multiple platforms with a single codebase. It is flexible, robust, and cost-effective. Moreover, the cost of hiring Flutter developers for app development is less than hiring different developers for separate platforms. Moreover, managing and updating applications for other platforms can be difficult if they are made separately. With Flutter, you will not have such issues.

If you want to hire flutter developers for your project, Contact us:

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