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Usama Ansari
Usama Ansari

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Git - Cheat Sheet

What is git?

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Basic Commands:

  1. Initialize local git repository
    > git init

  2. check files to commits and branch name
    > git status

  3. add files to staging area.
    > git add FileName.txt

  4. add all modified and new files to staging area
    > git add --all

  5. add all files of directory to staging area
    > git add folder/

  6. Commit changes to local repository
    > git commit -m "Message to commit"

  7. history of commits
    > git log --

  8. Get help for any command
    > git help <Command>

  9. set global user name
    > git config --global "Name"

  10. Show un-staged differences since last commit
    > git diff

  11. View staged differences
    > git diff --staged

  12. Un-stage files and HEAD Refers to last commit
    > git reset HEAD FileName

  13. Blow away all changes since last commit
    > git checkout -- FileName

  14. SKIP STAGING AND COMMIT and Add changes from all tracked files. this Doesn’t add new (untracked) files
    > git commit -a -m "Modify readme"

  15. Reset into staging and Move to commit before β€˜HEAD’
    > git reset --soft HEAD^

  16. Add to the last commit with new commit message
    > git commit --amend -m "New Message"

  17. Undo last commit and all changes
    > git reset --hard HEAD^

  18. Undo last 2 commits and all changes
    > git reset --hard HEAD^^

    > git remote add <name>origin <address>https://giturl

  20. show remote repositories
    > git remote -v

  21. To push to remotes
    > git push -u <name>origin <branch>master

  22. Remove remote
    > git remote rm <name>

  23. Clone remote repository
    > git clone <address>https://giturl

  24. Create branch
    > git branch <BrancName>

  25. create and checkout branch
    > git checkout -b <BrancName>

  26. list available branches
    > git branch

  27. list remote available branches
    > git branch -r

  28. Switching between branches
    > git checkout <branch name>

  29. merge 2 branches
    > git merge <branch name>

  30. Delete branch
    > git branch -d <branch name>

  31. Force delete branch
    > git branch -D <branch name>

  32. get remote changes
    > git pull

    • get the remote changes to local remote branch
      > git fetch

    • merge local remote branch changes to local master branch > git merge <local branch>

  33. shows branches alignments
    > git remote show origin

  34. remove remote branch
    > git push origin :<branch name>

  35. To clean up deleted remote branches
    > git remote prune origin

  36. List all tags
    > git tag

  37. Create tag
    > git tag -a <Tag Name> -m "Tag message"

  38. Push new tags to remote
    > git push --tags

  39. Revert to existing tag.
    > git checkout <tag name>

This article was originally published at my blog git-cheat-sheet

Please feel free to mention your favorite git commands in comments ❀ πŸ‘‡

Top comments (9)

nicco88 profile image
git stash
git stash pop

For saving changes temporarily and working on a more urgent context without having to commit.

ashishmohite profile image
Ashish Mohite

'git pull --autostash'

nicco88 profile image

I didn't know this one, thank you πŸ˜‰

iftikhar profile image
iftikhar hussain

Nice :)

mvidtman profile image
Marek Vidtman

adding all modified and new files to staging area is with double dash

git add --all

usmslm102 profile image
Usama Ansari

Thanks. 😊 I update the article.

sankintoo profile image
sanjeev Sinha

Good one. It would be nice to put something on squash the commit.

hinasoftwareengineer profile image

What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

usmslm102 profile image
Usama Ansari

git pull: download the remote data and merge into your working file.
git fetch: download the remote data but doesn't merge with your local files.