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Playing With Apache Storm On Docker - Like A Boss

Usama Ashraf on May 15, 2018

This article is not the ultimate guide to Storm nor is it meant to be. Storm's pretty huge, and just one long-read probably can't do it justice any...
softjobs profile image

Great article, thank you.

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Though I did not know apache storm, I enjoyed reading your post about it! I like that you explained the topology in a clean way with a really good example of bolts and spouts. This helped me figure that apache storm would fit very well in my upcoming project.

So thanks for the clear examples and the good explaination!

usamaashraf profile image
Usama Ashraf

Thanks Robin! Hope it served as a nice intro, and good luck on your project.

afneirag profile image
Alexis Neira G. • Edited

Congrats!!! Exactly was I needed. I have a topology with HBase integration and i was searching the way to migrate to docker; I will do this and then I will relate my experience.

Many thanks.

giovannileo profile image
Giovanni Leo

Hi! Fantastic article, but I have a question. On the docker hub I find the docker image for storm, this image can be used instead of the dockerfile that install all the depencies for storm?