DEV Community

Uri Goldshtein
Uri Goldshtein

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A Recap of AngularConnect 2015 in London

Last week I was invited to participate and speak at the AngularConnect conference.

It was the largest Angular conference to date with over 1000 developers and like all major Angular conferences, tickets were completely sold in a matter of minutes.

I was honored to be invited to the conference by the Angular team, after doing a lot of collaboration work with them on the new Angular 2.0 Meteor package.

At the beginning of the conference, I was invited by Brad Green, Angular’s team manager at Google, to join his Keynote speech and talk about the blog post we wrote comparing two top frontend frameworks in the industry — Angular 1.x, Angular 2.0, React and Blaze, all written in an app on top the Meteor Platform.

On the second day I gave a talk about the Meteor platform and how it integrates with Angular 1.x and Angular 2.0:

Download the slides from this session »

I received a lot of positive feedback from fellow Angular developers about Meteor and it’s benefits to the Angular community:

The conference was full of interesting talks about many new features in Angular 2.0. I’ve started writing my own summary of the talks to present to the Meteor team and how Meteor could use, integrate, and be part of the new stuff that is coming from the Angular community.

I would love your feedback on it! View my notes here. It’s less of an event recap and more specifically relevant to current Meteor Developers.

I’m very excited about the strong collaboration work of the Angular and Meteor teams and what it will bring to the whole Javascript community!

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