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13 Games Built on WebAssembly


A community for developers looking to put WebAssembly to use today.

  1. Using WebGL shaders in WebAssembly

  2. Rust WebAssembly A* Pathfinding Demo

  3. An Asteroids clone written in Rust, rendering to an SVG canvas.

  4. Funky Karts — a fun browser game written in WebAssembly.

  5. WASM game: Worldy Cup on AirConsole

  6. CreaturePack: High Performance 2D WebGL Character Animation with WebAssembly

  7. Let’s write Pong in WebAssembly

  8. Blend4Web applications with physics will now invoke the binary WebAssembly build by default

  9. FEDAY — WebAssembly 在白鹭引擎的实战(PDF)

  10. What’s new with WebAssembly portable code

  11. WebAssembly Canvas2D example

  12. WebAssembly Is Overdue: Thoughts on JavaScript for Large Projects

  13. The Next Generation of Web Gaming

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