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Discussion on: What are your thoughts on Tailwind CSS?

uminer profile image
Moshe Uminer

I'm a big fan of tailwind. In my eyes, the biggest advantage is the fact that there is a range of preset values for everything.

Let's take coloring for an example. Using tailwind you don't need to figure out a complete color palette beforehand, because tailwind will come with 9 shades of every color. And if you don't like the exact color, you can change the configuration. The same is with margins, instead of fretting over the distance, just use a preset. Which margin preset looks better? Take it. And it is so with all of tailwind's classes.

I should note, that tailwind is best used with a component framework, because you definitely don't want to right the same 10 classes 3 times. The framework can take care of the repetition for you.

By the way, the tailwind website had some screencasts for design using tailwind.

You haven't mentioned why you find tailwind overwhelming, but I will guess that it feels like there are simply too many classes to keep track of. I had a similar problem, but downloading the tailwind plugin for vscode gives me code completion. So now I just need to remember that all margin classes start with m-, for example, and the plugin shows all possible classes and their values.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor • Edited

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Tailwind.

Yeah, I wrote "potentially" overwhelming. Not saying it is, just an impression before having used it. Thanks for the mention of the VS Code plugin and I'm definitely going to watch those screencasts.

zediwards profile image

I am also using it as a means of making design and layout choices easier by limiting myself to tailwinds options. The vscode extension gives me autocomplete with all of that properties options and the actual css property so I dont forget what css I'm actually writing.

autoferrit profile image
Shawn McElroy

I have learned not to worry about the volume of css classes because the way it's designed we won't be using them all. It's basically ergonomics. Like if I want left/right padding on medium and above it's md:px-2. I can almost predict what the css classes will be. And it's usually right.
If you ask me, that's great framework design.

shaijut profile image
Shaiju T

Why tailwind is better than bootstrap ?