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Cover image for 10 features introduced in ES13,📣valuable for modern JavaScript development
Pratik Tamhane
Pratik Tamhane

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10 features introduced in ES13,📣valuable for modern JavaScript development

1. Top-Level Await

You can now use await at the top level of a module, enabling asynchronous operations without wrapping them in an async function.

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2. Class Fields and Static Initialization Blocks

Public and private class fields are now supported, along with static initialization blocks.

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3. Private Methods and Accessors in Classes

You can define private methods and accessors using the # syntax.

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4. Error Cause Property

The cause property in error objects allows you to pass an underlying error when throwing a new one.

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5. Array findLast and findLastIndex

New methods findLast and findLastIndex search arrays from the end instead of the beginning.

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6. Object.hasOwn

A new method to check for an object's own properties more reliably than Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.

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7. RegExp d Flag

The d flag allows you to get the index of the start of the match when using regular expressions.

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8. Enhanced import.meta

import.meta provides metadata about the current module, which can now include environment-specific information.

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9. Ergonomic Brand Checks for Private Fields

Improved syntax for checking if a class instance has a private field.

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10. JSON Modules

Import JSON files directly as modules, making it easier to work with configuration data.
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These features enhance the robustness, readability, and efficiency of modern JavaScript code, making ES13 a significant step forward for developers.

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