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The challenges and related solutions for remote Work

Remote work is doing your work anywhere, you do not need to be in the office as it is remotely, you can work from anyplace that's make you feel comfortable.

As the remote work need some resources, The challenge I've been facing during remote work is the problem of connection, the internet is not always on our side, sometimes it goes slow or not working at all.
As remote work really need an internet,if it goes down then remote work will fail and that's will reduce the productivity of the team.

Everything can not be done remotely, there are some cases where you need to be onsite I can say. Through remote work, it will be difficult to deal with those problem(cases).

Sometimes we need help that can not be given through remote where you need to interact more with your teammates.

As there are some challenges, also there are related solutions.
For the problem of an internet on my part I had to first make sure that I have sufficient connection at least 15 minutes before the meeting with teammates.
You can check your connection by doing different tough or high connection needing staff like watch music on YouTube to make sure the internet will not deceive you.

Regarding the help that needs to be face to face with teammates, we had to use screen sharing , screen shoots to better explain what needs to be done or solved.

By concluding remote work leads to high productivity as everyone works from where he feels comfortable and at anytime that please him.

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