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Uendi Hoxha
Uendi Hoxha

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Understanding IAM Roles and Policies in AWS

In AWS, managing access and permissions is crucial for security and compliance. Two fundamental components of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) are IAM roles and IAM policies.

Understanding the distinction between these two elements is essential for effective resource management and security practices. This article will clarify their differences and provide practical examples.

What is an IAM Role?
An IAM role is a set of permissions that defines what actions are allowed or denied for a specific entity. Roles are not associated with a specific user but can be assumed by AWS services, applications, or users. The key features of IAM roles include:

  • Temporary Security Credentials: When a role is assumed, AWS provides temporary security credentials that expire after a specified time.

  • Cross-Account Access: Roles can facilitate access to resources in different AWS accounts.

  • Service Roles:IAM roles can be assigned to AWS services (like EC2 or Lambda) to grant them permissions to perform actions on other AWS resources.

What is an IAM Policy?
An IAM policy is a JSON document that explicitly defines the permissions associated with a role, user, or group. Policies specify which actions are allowed or denied on specific AWS resources. The main aspects of IAM policies include:

Structure: Policies are written in JSON format, with key components such as Effect, Action, and Resource.

Types of Policies:

  • Managed Policies: Standalone policies that can be attached to multiple entities.
  • Inline Policies: Policies that are embedded directly within a single user, group, or role.

Key Differences Between IAM Roles and Policies


  • IAM Role: Acts as a set of permissions that can be assumed by an entity.
  • IAM Policy: Defines the specific permissions and access controls.


  • IAM Role: Assigned to AWS services or can be assumed by users to gain permissions.
  • IAM Policy: Attached to roles, users, or groups to grant or restrict access.


  • IAM Role: Provides temporary credentials when assumed.
  • IAM Policy: Does not provide credentials; it only specifies permissions.

As we can see, IAM roles and policies serve distinct purposes in AWS access management. IAM roles are primarily used when you need to grant permissions to AWS services, allowing them to perform actions on your behalf. For example, an EC2 instance may require access to an S3 bucket to store logs, which can be achieved by creating a role with the appropriate permissions and assigning it to the instance.

On the other hand, IAM policies define specific actions that are allowed or denied for users, groups, or roles. They can be attached directly to IAM users or groups, providing necessary permissions, such as allowing a development team access to a DynamoDB table.

Let’s illustrate the difference between an IAM role and an IAM policy with a practical example:

Scenario: You have an application running on an EC2 instance that needs to access an S3 bucket to store logs.

First, you would create an IAM policy that allows the necessary actions on the S3 bucket. Here’s a sample policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::your-logs-bucket/*"
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Next, you would create an IAM role for the EC2 instance and attach the above policy to it. When you configure your EC2 instance, you specify this role, enabling it to access the S3 bucket with the permissions defined in the policy.

When the EC2 instance runs, it assumes the IAM role, receiving temporary credentials that allow it to perform actions specified in the attached policy on the S3 bucket.

In conclusion, mastering AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and policies is vital for securing your cloud environment and ensuring compliance with best practices. By understanding the distinct functions of IAM roles and policies, you can effectively manage permissions and access controls for AWS resources.
This distinction is particularly important as you design and implement security frameworks within your AWS infrastructure. With a clear grasp of when to use IAM roles and when to implement IAM policies, you can enhance both the security and efficiency of your cloud operations.

As you continue to explore AWS, remember that effective access management not only protects your resources but also empowers your teams to work efficiently. By leveraging IAM effectively, you are laying a strong foundation for secure cloud practices.

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