DEV Community

Discussion on: One year of Elm in production

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Tomáš Zemanovič • Edited

I can definitely relate to that. I can think of some things that are probably at play:

  • what is unknown can appear as scary
  • the common myth that FP is somehow harder than OO; I would say this is more to do with education, which is better in OO than FP. OO also receives much more focus.
  • FP is sometimes perceived as elitist
  • for some areas FP might not be the best pick, if your main focus is to get something done as quickly as possible; For example, there is a very handy State of the Haskell ecosystem post, in which Gabriel Gonzalez rates Haskell for each programming area. For many applications the trade-off can be diminished if you're planning to support them for some time, which we usually do anyway.