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Acid Coder
Acid Coder

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Typescript Nominal Type: The Right Way

In case you don't know what RighFminal typing

Typescript is a structural typing language, but it is possible to mimic the behavior of nominal typing language, very closely.

We start with the easiest method:

type AB = { a:number, b:number, x:never}
type BA = { a:number, b:number, y:never}

const ab:AB = {a:1, b:2}
const ba:BA = ab // error !!
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It works


Today we are going to learn how to create a proper nominal type in Typescript

Let us review why the first method is not good enough.

First, it uses type assertion. Avoid type assertion if possible, personally I only assert type when I am creating wrappers.

Second, users can access the extra property: brand via static typing. In this case, our brand is ab.x and ba.y.

As a craftsman, we don't want that to happen


declare class AB_Class { 
    protected x?:never

declare class BA_Class { 
    protected x?:never

interface AB extends AB_Class{
    a:number, b:number

interface BA extends BA_Class{
    a:number, b:number

const ab:AB = {a:1, b:2} 
const ba:BA = ab // error !!
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The key is to use class and declare optional protected brands with never as type.

The brands name don't have to be the same name, you can assign different names.

  1. no type assertion
  2. users cannot access brand

now, you may ask, why protected, why not private?

This is because, take this example

declare class AB_Class { 
    private x?:never
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after tsc compilation, the output is

declare class AB_Class { 
    private x?
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do you notice the difference?

Typescript strips away the type of private and fails type assertion

so please stick with protected

Top comments (4)

dphuang2 profile image

Have you looked at zod brand?

tylim88 profile image
Acid Coder • Edited

I think zod brand is a very smart solution

but it has 2 problems

import { z, BRAND } from "zod";
const Cat = z.object({ name: z.string() }).brand<"Cat">();
type Cat = z.infer<typeof Cat>;

const cat = Cat.parse({ name: "simba" }); // or const cat = { name: "simba" } as Cat;
const catBrand = cat[BRAND];
type U = typeof catBrand; // { Cat: true }
console.log(catBrand); // undefined
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  1. still can access cat[BRAND]
  2. type of cat[BRAND] and value of cat[BRAND] mismatched

1 is unsatisfying but overall is not a problem, because nobody is going to do that
2 is an easy fix, just add optional modifier, although it still mislead some to believe it may return { Cat: true }

overall I think zod solution is practically perfect

tylim88 profile image
Acid Coder • Edited


I missed one point:

to assign Cat type to a variable, you either do

const cat = { name: "simba" } as Cat;
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since we want to avoid type assertion if possible

then we are left with:

const cat = Cat.parse({ name: "simba" });
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which is slightly unintuitive

ideally, we want

const cat: Cat = { name: "simba" }
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but this will error using zod method because it is missing symbol properties

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peerreynders profile image
peerreynders • Edited

In general TypeScript requires a runtime assertion in the absence of a compile time type assertion.

// Don't export this from the module
declare const validCat: unique symbol;

type Cat = {
  name: string;
  [validCat]: true;

function assertValidCat(
  maybeCat: Record<PropertyKey, unknown>
): asserts maybeCat is Cat {
  const entries = Object.entries(maybeCat);
  if (
    entries.length === 1 &&
    entries[0][0] === 'name' &&
    entries[0][1] === 'simba'

  throw new Error('Not a Cat');

// outside of module

const catMaybe = { name: 'simba' }; // const catMaybe: { name: string }


const catDefinitely = catMaybe; // const catDefinitely: Cat, const catMaybe: Cat
console.log(Object.keys(catDefinitely).length); // 1
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You can even do this to primitive types

type Cat = string & {
  [validCat]: true;
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Assertion Functions


A type predicate can be used to a similar end.

In a sense the fact that

const ab:AB = {a:1, b:2}; 
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even works is no better than

const ab = {a:1, b:2} as AB;
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