DEV Community

Discussion on: Building a Multi-Range Slider in React From Scratch

tw1t611 profile image

I've got two hints for you, add them if you like. :)

This callback is actually just a function call.
// Convert Number to percentage
function getPercent(value) {
return Math.round(((value - min) / (props.max - min)) * 100);

You don't need refs for the inputs, if you set the value directly onChange.
onChange={(e) => {
const value = Math.min(Number(, maxVal); = value;

sandra_lewis profile image
Sandra Lewis • Edited

I did try using getPercent as a simple function initially, but ended up getting the below ESLint warning.

The 'getPercent' function makes the dependencies of useEffect Hook change on every render. To fix this, wrap the definition of 'getPercent' in its own useCallback() Hook.
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You are right about not using refs in the onChange events. I've made the changes above. Thank you for pointing that out.