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Tutort Academy
Tutort Academy

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Machine Coding Round — What & How to Crack It

A Machine Coding Round is a coding challenge typically used in technical interviews, especially for roles like software development, data engineering, and machine learning engineering.

Unlike traditional algorithmic coding tests, this round emphasizes designing and implementing a complete, working solution for a real-world problem within a limited time frame, usually 60 to 90 minutes.

Candidates are required to build an entire module, often including the design of data structures, the logic for operations, and ensuring scalability and error handling.

Interviewers look for code quality, clarity, and efficiency, making this round a comprehensive evaluation of your technical and design skills.

How to Prepare for the Machine Coding Round

Preparing for a Machine Coding Round requires more than just memorizing algorithms or solving random coding problems. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure you’re well-prepared:

1. Understand the Common Patterns

  • Familiarize yourself with common coding patterns, such as state machines, caching strategies, object-oriented design, and modular code structure.
  • Learn how to implement these patterns efficiently in your preferred programming language.

2. Focus on Data Structures & Design

  • Master data structures like arrays, HashMap, linked lists, and trees because they form the backbone of many coding challenges.
  • Practice designing systems with object-oriented programming concepts, ensuring your code is modular and scalable.

3. Time Management and Debugging

  • Learn to manage your time wisely. Focus on completing the core functionalities first and leave optimization for later.
  • Familiarize yourself with debugging tools and techniques to quickly identify and fix issues during the interview.

4. Simulate Real Interviews

  • Use platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank to simulate real Machine Coding Rounds.
  • Work on open-ended problems where you have to create an entire solution, not just solve an algorithm.

How to Clear the Machine Coding Round

To successfully crack the Machine Coding Round, you need a strategy that aligns your skills and preparation with the expectations of the interviewers. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Write Readable Code
Write clean, readable code with proper naming conventions, comments, and spacing. This helps interviewers follow your thought process and evaluate your design choices.

2. Modular Code Design
Break down your solution into modular functions. Each function should handle a specific task. This not only makes your code more manageable but also allows for better error handling and scalability.

3. Think Aloud
During the interview, it’s important to communicate your thought process. Talk through your decisions, design choices, and any trade-offs you're making in real-time. This demonstrates your problem-solving abilities clearly to the interviewer.

4. Focus on Edge Cases and Optimization
After implementing the basic functionality, spend the remaining time optimizing your code. Ensure you handle edge cases, such as large inputs or empty data sets, gracefully.

Machine Coding Round Interview Practice Questions

To get a clearer idea of the types of questions that can come up, here are some practice scenarios to hone your skills:

  • Design a file system with operations like file creation, reading, and deletion.
  • Create a parking lot system where you track the number of available slots and handle real-time requests.
  • Build an e-commerce cart system with product addition, deletion, and discount application functionalities.
  • Develop a task scheduler that assigns tasks based on priority and time constraints. =============================

Each of these problems requires a blend of coding, design, and problem-solving skills — ideal for preparing for the Machine Coding Round.

Machine Coding For Machine Learning and AI Job Roles

While Machine Coding Rounds are crucial for software development roles, they can also be essential for roles in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning engineers are often required to implement algorithms that are scalable, efficient, and easy to maintain. Strong coding skills in rounds like these make transitioning to or excelling in machine learning roles more manageable.

By honing your design and coding abilities through Machine Coding Rounds, you’ll be well-equipped to build and implement ML models in production environments. These coding skills are also vital when handling large datasets, optimizing algorithms, and ensuring the performance of machine learning models in real-world applications.


Cracking the Machine Coding Round can be challenging, but with the right preparation and mindset, it’s entirely achievable. Understanding system design, practicing modular coding, and honing your problem-solving skills will ensure success in this interview stage. Additionally, by connecting this experience with machine learning and AI skills, you open up even more career opportunities.

For professionals aiming to transition into the booming fields of machine learning and AI, mastering the Machine Coding Round can be your first step. Taking relevant ML and AI courses and sharpening your coding skills will prepare you for future opportunities in this ever-evolving tech landscape.

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