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Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree Review in 2021

Do you have a question, “How Good is Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree“? If yes, then read this article and clear your doubts. In this article, I will share my learning journey and experience with Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree.

Now without further ado, let’s get started-

Before I discuss the Nanodegree program, I would like to tell you-

How I had Chosen this Nanodegree program?

I am a Research scholar and my research topic is- “Depression Detection from Social Media“.

So I started my machine learning journey by watching Sentdex, freeCodeCamp, and various other popular YouTube channels.

Because as a beginner, we don’t want to pay huge money to any course. And these YouTube channels helped me to understand the machine learning basics.

But I thought this information is not enough for my research work, then I took Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science course on Udemy.

In this course, Kirill taught me Machine Learning algorithms such as Regression, Classification, Clustering, Association rule learning, Reinforcement learning, NLP basics, and Deep Learning basics. This course was really a brilliant entry point into the world of machine learning for me.

After learning deep learning basics in this course, I had finalized that I have to learn more advanced concepts of deep learning.

So I studied various books such as Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen, etc. But I was looking for something that teaches me deep learning in a practical way.

Because I am planning to learn deep learning for my Research work. And I believe you can’t get 100% from theoretical knowledge until you apply your learning to real problems.

And then I heard about the Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree program that this program has practice-based courses. So I thought to enroll in this Nanodegree program.

But the next challenge for me was-

Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree program Cost

Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree program costs around $399 per month. For me, it was too expensive. So I was in doubt to spend that much amount on any course. But during this Covid-19 pandemic, they are offering financial support

So I filled the form. In the form they asked me to provide some background information like-
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