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How to Learn Machine Learning Step by Step in 2021

Do you have a question in your mind that how to Learn Machine Learning Step by Step? then you are in the right place.

In this blog, I am gonna tell you how you can learn machine learning step by step.

Nowadays machine learning is much in demand, and its scope is vast. Many software engineers are shifting in machine learning, just because ML is very popular and pay is also very high in the machine learning field.

So, the next question comes into your mind is how do I learn machine learning? and the steps required to learn machine learning?

Now, Without wasting your time let’s just discuss how do you learn machine learning-

Steps required to learn machine learning-

The prerequisite for ML is-

  1. Basic Calculus- Machine Learning is based on optimization, which requires knowledge of Calculus. So, it is essential that you have basic knowledge of limits, functions, maxima, minima, etc. You can learn calculus from these online courses- 8 Best+FREE Calculus Courses Online for Machine Learning in 2021

  2. Linear Algebra- The next prerequisite for ML is Linear algebra because, in ML, you have to deal with vectors and matrices. That’s why you should be aware of the concepts of linear algebra.
    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors are also the main topics for ML. To learn Linear Algebra for Machine Learning, You should refer to these courses- Best Linear Algebra Courses for Data Science You Should Know in 2021

  3. Probability/ Statistics- You should have basic knowledge of probability too. For Statistics knowledge you can refer to these courses- Best Courses on Statistics for Data Science to Master in Statistics in 2021

You don’t need to master all these subjects but you should aware of terms like subspace, independent, basis, etc.

After you are done with maths, move into actual ML, for this, you need to do the following steps-

  1. First, learn any programming language. You can learn any language for ML, but I prefer Python because it is easy to learn and it has a rich set of libraries for performing various operations in ml. If you want to choose the best course on Python, you can read this article- 10 Best Online Courses for Python You Must Know in 2021

  2. Learn the basics of Machine Learning like- Classification, Clustering, Regression, and other ML algorithms. You can take any good online course for ML or read from books. As a beginner you need to start from basics, don’t hop to complex books or courses. As a beginner, you should start with these courses-Best Online Courses On Machine Learning You Must Know in 2021

  3. Once you gathered all the basics, start practicing some problems with Kaggle. Kaggle is a very popular machine learning contest platform where you can practice with real-world data so that you get an idea of how ML is used in the real world.

Learning something new is easy if you have patience and zeal. Without having enthusiasm learning becomes boring.

So keep your Enthusiasm high and learn ML!

All the Best!

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