DEV Community

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Tushar Kashyap

Getting back in the thick of things

Location India Joined Joined on  github website twitter website


Product Management Associate at Bain

Four Year Club
Writing Debut
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Hacktoberfest 2020
[Discussion] What's the new big thing in web dev in the past 2 years?

[Discussion] What's the new big thing in web dev in the past 2 years?

Comments 2
1 min read

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Try using reducers for state management.

Try using reducers for state management.

Comments 4
4 min read
Using refs to check if a component is still mounted.

Using refs to check if a component is still mounted.

Comments 16
5 min read
This is why you can't return adjacent JSX elements.

This is why you can't return adjacent JSX elements.

Comments 18
3 min read
Getting those performance gains in React

Getting those performance gains in React

6 min read
ES6 Default Parameters

ES6 Default Parameters

2 min read